For those of you who are couponin', savin', cvs-game playin' freaks...ever wonder what to do with all of that "stuff?" Would you like to get rid of some of it all the while putting it to VERY good use? Take a visit over to Anysoldier. the website says, it really IS addictive. I have been following this site for about a year and a half. Each and every story touches me in some way. I usually end up crying the whole time I'm reading.
Anyway, here is my Tackle It Tuesday.
Does any of that look familiar? Cheapo probably paid very little to nothing for each of those items! I put together two boxes: one for a male and one for a female. They were shipped off yesterday...and I can't WAIT for someone to open them. Here are a few pointers that can make packing a box very easy:
For more Tackle It Tuesdays, visit 5 Minutes for Mom.
Anyway, here is my Tackle It Tuesday.
- Go to the Anysoldier website - click around to get familiar - go to "What to Send" and then get an address (or 20) from "Where to Send."
- The requests are from real soldiers needing real items - so each one will request something different. Though, many just want a little taste of home, regardless of what is in the package.
- If you plan to send heavy items, pick up flat rate boxes at the post office. It's $9.80 to send regardless of the weight. Also, make sure to have clear packaging tape to re-enforce the box. Remember, it's going to take a lot of handling before it gets to the right place.
- Have magazines laying around everywhere? Toss a few into the box! (no nasty stuff!)
- Put anything you can into baggies. The soldiers can re-use the baggies, plus it helps in case something leaks. Also, it keeps the "soap smell" out of other things- especially food.
- No home made baked goods.
- As you are packing the box, make a list of items that are in it. When you get to the post office, you will have to fill out a customs form, which includes: sender name/address, recipient name/address, detailed list of contents & package value.
- Anything with a pop up lid, like shampoo or lotion, tape shut. Elevation changes can pop those right open. Mine used to open every time I would fly back and forth to Colorado.
- Include something hand written: a note, a letter, a Christmas card - just some word of thanks. I included a small picture of our family as well. Also, add your email address! The soldier may not have time to send a written thank you, but many have email access. Though, don't expect a thank you - they are doing enough over there as it is. :)
For more Tackle It Tuesdays, visit 5 Minutes for Mom.
OH! Thank you so much for sharing this site. I'm off to visit it right now...and will be shopping and going to the Post office in the near future! What a great way to bless our soldiers.
What a nice tackle!!!
That's a very generous tackle!!! Very inspiring:-)
I love this idea and will probably be using it to help teach my son about the true spirit of giving.
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